So I’ve finally made the landmark age of 15 – a great age for any doggie – but I have to say, I still feel like a little pup. I was always a slow walker and I haven’t got any faster over the years, but if there’s a bit of food in the offing, I can show a clean pair of paws to any young dog.

I wanted to go somewhere really nice for my special day, so I howled to the pawrents that we hadn’t been to BrookLodge for some time and they took the hint – I have them very well trained.
So well trained that before we even set off, I got them to order me a new bowtie and two bandanas from Pawssentails, which we collected the night before we left.
We had to work for part of the day before we headed off, so we arrived quite late in the evening, just in time for a quick bite in the snug, with the menu from the Italian Armento Restaurant. The hoomans were very pleased with their pork and chicken, but I had to settle for my normal food as usual.

The following day was quite damp, so we weren’t quite sure what to do with ourselves until we had the bright idea of heading to Wexford town. We had a nice stroll around the streets and went for a dogguccino in Frank’s Place, which is dog friendly, as all restaurants should be.

It was on to Wicklow town then, to Firehouse Bakery, where we’ve been before. They have a number of branches around Wicklow and they do the nicest Pizza, pastries and breads – or so I’ve been told – as usual, I didn’t even get a taste and the aromas were driving me mad. I though this was MY birthday weekend. It’s high time somebody invented a doggie pizza and I’d be the first to try it out.

Saturday was another dull day, in fact it was wet, so our plan to go for a walk didn’t work out at all. We just lazed around until I was dressed up in my AG Dog Fashion afternoon tea dress, so I knew something was up.
We repaired to the Waterside Lounge where a special table was laid for us to have one of the hotel’s scrummy afternoon teas. At my last tea I was able to snaffle a yummy sandwich, so I was looking forward to trying my luck again. Unfortunately, the hoomans were more vigilant this time and I wasn’t able to rob anything, even though I tried my absolute best.

I was a bit disappointed by that, but toward the end of the meal, who came out only Sarka, with a plate of treats just for me. It was a very snazzy affair with ‘Happy Birthday’ written in chocolate but of course, I wasn’t allowed to lick the chocolate off. The treats were lovely though.

We did get our walkies in after the tea and we chose the Railway Walk in Tinahely, where I did Darkness into Light last year. It was lovely and peaceful in the woods and the rain stayed away for once.

I was fully expecting more rain the following morning when I drew back the curtains, but no, we had a beautiful, sunny day for MY BIRTHDAY! I had a load of presents and cards arrayed in the room from Martina in Dublin, Lily Finnegan, my dog minders Pat and Bernie, Monika from Galway and loads of others. Even Lewis and George, the Brooklodge resident dogs sent me a lovely card. I felt very spoiled.

The weather was fine enough to have our breakfast outside on the terrace, although there was no sign of the hens for some reason. They must be on strike.

We drove to Ballinastoe Woods for our walkies but there was a bike event on, so instead we had a lovely stroll up to one of the lakes in Glendalough. I met my near namesake Maisy, a three month old retriever pup and I gave her some pointers that I’ve learned over my 15 years.

Back at BrookLodge, who was there to greet me only my Dogfather Brian. I was dressed in my Clare jersey to support our team but Brian, the traitor, was wearing his Kerry jersey, so I suppose we balanced out. I was disappointed that we lost the match but there’ll be other days and I’ll remain a loyal Banner supporter.
We all wandered around the market and I met a lovely Westie, Archie, who’s six. His hooman has plans to set up a company to organise dog parties. I can only bark my approval at such a wonderful idea.

We sat at a table in the blazing sunshine and the hoomans ordered steak sandwiches and salad for lunch while I just snoozed in the heat. Suddenly, half the management of Brooklodge, Evan the owner, Joe the General Manager, Manish and Valerie, emerged holding a dog basket laden with goodies and lovely toys. All for little old me on my birthday. I was really touched. It was a lovely thing to do. Not only that, in addition to all the pressies in the basket, there was a voucher for me to bring my hoomans back again. Well of course I’m coming back to one of my favourite places to meet all of my friends.
What an exciting birthday I had. We finished off with some drinks in the sunshine while listening to the jazz band and then went on to Acton’s Bar for something light to eat.
Before Brian headed back to Dublin, we had a little stroll around the golf course and coming back to the hotel we met Josh and his mother Amanda, who used to work at Brooklodge and we all had a little natter. It’s good to catch up with friends.
It was a very tired dog who closed her eyes that night for a well-deserved sleep after a wonderful day.

My birthday weekend was complete when at breakfast on our last morning, I heard the pad of canine feet and it was none other than my friend Lewis. He’s more handsome every time I see him and he reminds me more and more of my old friend Oscar.
Lewis was all apologies that he couldn’t come to talk to me on my birthday but he was so busy with the market, he just couldn’t get away. We had a lovely chat and we’ve promised each other a proper catch up the next time I’m down.
What a wonderful birthday weekend I had. I just wish I could turn 15 every day. Thank you to everyone who made my celebration so very special.
Luv Daisy