Well, after my Birthday Shenanigans last week, I thought I’d have a wee rest before things ramped up again, but no, it was crazier than ever.
Himself only guested at home this week, jetting off to London for Sir Stirling Moss’ Memorial Service and only back for a night before heading off up the country for an AGM. As a result I hardly saw him and I was somewhat surprised when herself and myself ended up at Ennis train station on Friday morning.
Now I’ve been on trains in London, but I’ve never had a real train ride in Ireland and I was really excited as we headed off.
We arrived at Heuston and who was there to collect us only himself and we had a great reunion.
The day was lovely, so instead of going around town, we all decided to head for Howth to get some sea air.

I must say it was lovely walking around, trying to catch the seagulls and get to the ice cream before they did.
There are a few doggy friendly places in Howth and we had a coffee at the wonderfully named Dog House Blues Tea Rooms. They do pizza there as well and they smelled yummy.
We had a little walkies down the pier before we repaired to another eatery, the King Sitric for some fish – appropriate food for the seaside.

I got the shock of my life when I was rudely awakened the following morning at an ungodly hour. It wasn’t even light! Of course, that was the point. I realised we were doing the Darkness Into Light walk when we arrived to Sandymount Beach, joining a huge crowd who joined us for our very special walk to give hope to those who have lost it. I’ve been on many DIL walkies and I find them extremely moving.

It was wonderful to see the sun rising over Dublin Bay, with a view of the Poolbeg chimney stacks, as we finished our walk.

We went on for a well deserved dogguccino to Brownes, on Sandymount Green, who opened specially for the event to provide coffee and breakfast rolls in exchange for a donation. Well done to them.

We caught up on our sleep for a few hours before heading down for breakfast/brunch on the terrace of our hotel, Dylan, where they always treat me as a special guest. In recognition of my hard walk that morning, I got a dish of melon all to myself and it was delicious.

Another surprise awaited after our meal as we drove to the Phoenix Park to meet Martina and her two Westies, Skye and Millie. We had a great chat as we strolled around the park in the sunshine. Millie is getting really settled now and we sat down for a dogguccino and some treats while we had our catch up.

I’ve been to Hartley’s in Dun Laoghaire before, but only for drinks, so I barked a suggestion at the hoomans that we should try their food, which smelled delicious the last time I was there.
My suggestion fell on fertile ears and we drove across, luckily getting a seat in the bar, where dogs are made very welcome.

Well, to see the faces of the two as they savoured their food! Beautiful fish, that was so fresh it was probably just caught off the pier. Himself even had a red wine risotto. Far away from that he was reared I’m telling you.
Because we all went to bed early the previous night, we missed all the excitement over the Aurora Borealis, so we headed into the Dublin Mountains to see if we could see any sign.

Stopping at Johnnie Fox’s Pub for a quick drink, we waited for darkness and then ventured higher into the hills. Unfortunately, the higher we rose, the more mist appeared and it was hopeless, so we turned back to the coast, arriving at Bullock Harbour late in the evening. There were a few people around and we chatted with them as we searched the skies, but we were out of luck. That’s a real shame – I’d love to have seen them.
After our interrupted sleep the previous night, we were all tired, so we all zoned out as soon as we returned to the hotel.

The next day I had another surprise as we strolled into town towards St Stephen’s Green. We ducked down a side street and found a whole gang of lovely dogs, all waiting at Dot Theatre for a special doggie screening, organised by TheDailyCavalier, of The Fox and The Hound, a film I’d yet to see but I’d heard great things about it.
I met loads of friends, old and new and thoroughly enjoyed the film, even though I slept through part of it as I was still very tired.
After the movie, we decided to head back towards Howth, stopping off in Clontarf for a quick dogguccino at dog-friendly Surge Café.

This time, we decided on Howth Head and at the end of a long, winding road, we found a nice path up to the head itself. I was very proud of myself as we had a good long walkies while we enjoyed the fabulous views out across Dublin Bay and Ireland’s Eye. What a brilliant day.

Once we returned to town, we headed straight for an old favourite, The Old Spot, where I had my dinner and the hoomans had a scotch egg starter, followed by the most beautiful roast chicken and the aromas nearly drove me mad. My mouth was only watering.
After a long and well-deserved sleep, I bid farewell to my friends at Dylan and we dropped herself off at Dundrum, while I helped himself swap the car at Sandyford.
When we arrived at Automotive Team, I met my motoring friends who all wished me a happy birthday and made a big fuss of me. It’s been a while since I saw them so it was great to catch up again. We won’t leave it so long the next time.
On the way back down to Clare, a final treat of a dogguccino in the Old Barracks, Birdhill, always a great place to visit and they make the best dogguccini.
So, will there be more excitement this week or will I finally be allowed to chill out? Only time will tell.
Luv Daisy
You can read the first part of Daisy’s Birthday celebrations here.