Well, what a busy few weeks I’ve had. I’ve been chasing my tail so much, I’ll need to tell you about the rest of my adventures next week. It’s good to have just a comprehensive social life but I tell you, it’s exhausting. I’m dog tired!
My latest series of adventures started last Thursday week when there was a flurry of packing as the hoomans prepared to set off for somewhere. I carefully supervised to ensure that my suitcase was packed too. There was no way they were going without me.
There was no sign of the funny little car with no roof. Instead, himself was taking an electric car. I’ve never understood electric cars – where do you find a three pin plug as you’re driving down the road?

I didn’t worry about that as I snoozed comfortably in my bed until we arrived at the Old Barracks in Birdhill. They make lovely dogguccini and I thoroughly enjoyed mine. I still had no idea where we were going until we turned off at Portlaoise and I knew our destination was BrookLodge, where I’d get to meet my boyfriend Niall. I couldn’t wait.
We had dinner in Acton’s Bar that night and I begged under the table for even a few scraps, but all I got was my normal food.

I got over my disappointment because soon it was time to go down to see Niall but my hopes were dashed as it turned out it was his night off. I spent the rest of the night staring at the bar, willing him to come through the door but it wasn’t to be. What a let down. At least the day wasn’t wasted because earlier I got to meet my friends George and Lewis, the two resident dogs, who caught me up on all the latest news.

The next day, we were planning to go to Kilmacanogue, but on a whim, changed our minds and visited Mount Usher Gardens. While herself went off to look at the gardens themselves – dogs aren’t allowed unfortunately – I sat in the sun with himself and soaked up both the rays and the admiration of the many people who stopped to admire me. It’s hard being so fabulous.
We had a scrummy cake before we left, but as usual, I didn’t get any. Shame on them.

That evening, joy of joys, Niall was holding court in the bar and I got some lovely treats and cuddles while the hoomans enjoyed a cocktail.
And then I heard the terrible news. Niall was soon to leave the hotel to change careers. Nooooo! Who will look after my treats now?
It was a sad dog who went to bed that night but I cheered up the following morning when we met Niall for a lovely walk in Glenart Wood, just outside Arklow. We’ll keep in touch when we’re down in Wicklow again. Best of luck in your new job Niall and thanks for everything.

On the way home, we came a different route and stopped in Carlow. Looking for somewhere to eat, we found Lennons, part of the Visual Arts Centre. What a lovely place. Great food, friendly service and they even left out dishes of dog treats for the many dogs enjoying the sunshine. They even chased after us when the hoomans left my lead behind. It’s so hard to get good help these days.

After a night at home, I couldn’t believe that we were back in the car the following day and back up to Dublin for a Red Bow Tie Market, organised by my friend Sir Alex, the Cockapoo. I’m Miss June in the Dads Ties charity calendar for throat cancer and the proceeds were to be handed over to the Irish Cancer Society. Unfortunately, due to a technical hitch, the handover didn’t happen that day but instead, I had a great time being photographed again by the very talented Karl from Mad Dogs Army and having a cast made of my paw. I was all style in my AG Dog Fashion dresses and it was wonderful to meet so many nice doggie friends.

The Clare match was also on in the bar and although I cheered on the team until I was hoarse and wore my Clare jersey, we lost by a point as we all know. I was gutted.

I cheered up when we went to Angelina’s for dinner on their terrace, where they showed us a moor hen hatching her eggs just by the tables. Hopefully I’ll meet her chicks the next time we go back.
A restful night at Dylan Hotel was followed by breakfast on the terrace, where Patrick looked after me so well.
Herself was going to meet her friend Elaine while I helped himself swap cars, so I met all my motoring writer friends in Sandyford.
We had another long trip home, with me snoozing in the back, although we stopped again for dogguccini at The Old Barracks.
I was barely home before we were off again, but all that will have to wait until next week.
Luv Daisy